Communities in CoviDialogue

The webinar took place on July 2nd 2020, with the support of KAICIID.
Responsible for the project was Mr. Sergios Voilas, permanent research
associate and project manager of the Interorthodox Centre of the Church
of Greece and KAICIID Fellow. Through this initiative we tried to
address issues such as: the responsibility and challenges that religious
leaders face, problems caused to religious communities having religious
life while being on social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
collaboration among religious leaders and health professionals, matters
of discrimination and stigmatism and of course how important role
educators play for their students to learn how to protect their physical
and psychological health.

Moderator: Sergios Voilas, Permanent Research Associate and Project
Manager of Interorthodox Centre of the Church of Greece and KAICIID

Speakers: Metropolitan Ioannis of Thermopylae, Director of the
Interothodox Centre of the Church of Greece, Archbishop Kegham
Khatcherian, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Greece, Rabbi
of Athens Gabriel Negrin, Basia Rahmi, President of the Teachers’
Association of Muslim Religion of Thrace, Dimitra Kavvatha Doctor,
Infectious Disease Specialist, Director of the N.H.S. at University
General Hospital “Attikon”, Eleni Tsetsekou, Head of Human Rights Unit,
Council of Europe.