Celebrating the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime -9th December and Human Rights day -10th December, Mr. Sergios Voilas, the permanent scientific coordinator of the Interorthodox Centre of the Church of Greece and KAICIID Fellow Alumni brought to a round table for discussion and presentations representatives of international organizations, institutions, educational communities, clergy people, theologians and other experts. The project was given the title “Taking Action – Speaking Words of Dialogue, Confronting Hate-speech”. Mrs. Garyfallia Lea Micha and Mr. Yoni Berrous participated on behalf of Yad Vashem. Mr. Rahmi Basia, President of the Islam Teachers Association of Thrace and Mr. Manos Kefalas, President of the Wikipedia Community Schools Association Greece spoke also. Dr. Christos Nasios, a high school teacher himself and an associate of the Interorthodox Centre gave a presentation in cooperation with Mrs. Kalliopi Mavragka. Interventions were made by Professor Rev. Aristarchos Grekas, whο is in charge of the program “Church and Culture” of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Athens and teacher of the lesson of Religion Mr. Alexandros Galanopoulos.