Upon the invitation of the associate Professor Mrs. Angeliki Gazi, Mr. Sergios Voilas, the permanent scientific associate of the Interorthodox Centre of the Church of Greece, gave a presentation and developed the subject “Religious communities & electronic & online media” in the context of the course “Introduction to Journalism” of the Department of Communication of Media & Culture of Panteion University on the 20th of December 2023. During the presentation, the students of Panteion University were given the opportunity to learn about the relations among various religious communities with the Media, both in our country and abroad. Also, the Radio Station of the Church of Greece 89.5 FM as well as the operation of the official website www.ecclesia.gr was presented and the work these media put in the field of information. Finally, the contribution on the matter of the Interorthodox Centre of the Church of Greece via our website www.intero.gr and through social media was pointed out, with the ICCG being a bearer of dialogue, relation building and communication.